FAQs: Classified ads with the Arizona Dental Association (AzDA)

  • How do I make changes or delete my ad?
    Your ad will automatically be removed on the date shown in your email confirmation. If you'd like to remove it before then or need to make an adjustment to it, contact us here.
  • How many hits does the classified section get per month?
    AzDA’s classified section is one of the most popular areas on azda.org. Each month the classified section receives over 2,300 hits.
  • Do AzDA member dentists get a discount?
    Absolutely! In fact, members of AzDA receive 50% off so make sure to use your ADA/AzDA number available when submitting your ad.
  • Will I receive an invoice for the advertisement?
    No. Ads are paid in full at the time of submission. This cuts down on paperwork and keeps costs lower for you.
  • Are there classified ad disclaimers I should be aware of?
    Yes. Classified advertisements are subject to the approval of AzDA and may be edited for length and/or clarity. Renewing and canceling ads is the advertiser's responsibility. If the confirmation email does not indicate the number of months your ad should run, it will run for one month only. AzDA does not assume liability for the content of advertisements, nor do advertisements constitute an endorsement of products or services. AzDA reserves the right to refuse or cancel any advertisement at any time. Please allow 24 hours for advertisements to be posted online.
  • How long before my ad is posted?
    For ads selected to shown online, your ad will be approved and then be viewable within one business day. For ads being printed in the monthly magazine, your ad will be approved and then be viewable in the following month's issue.
  • Common mistakes advertisers make in placing an ad?
    Forgetting their contact information. Make sure your ad contains all of the contact information you want readers to see and use (phone, fax, email, etc.)
